Monday, June 6, 2011

A deep pain in my heart

I have been on Facebook for a couple of years and have enjoyed the benefits of this incredible social medium.  I have been in touch with high school classmates whom I had not seen nor heard from since we graduated in 1979.  I have had contact with former "youth" from my days in King, North Carolina and Louisville.  I have heard from former students at Hawaii Baptist Academy and close friends I made while living in Hawaii.  I have reconnected with friends from Kamuela on the Big Island and have even gotten to know quite a few children of my friends.  There is an added richness to my life as I am somewhat able to be involved in their lives and draw closer to them...even though it is from a distance.  I have always been and will always be a people person, so having these connections is a source of strength and pleasure for me.

The drawback of this social medium is to see how public people are about their vices.  There are those who at one time were close to Christ and have now wandered away, even mocking the faith they once held so dearly.  Those of you who have invested spiritually in the lives of others know the pain that comes from seeing someone drift.  A few are ambivalent about this drifting, while others are antagonistic about the faith they once claimed to follow.  Some have slowly drifted away from the truth, while others have taken a decisive reversal of that which they once held to so closely.  As I read their status or their info, my heart is broken for their condition.  Sometimes I wonder what I could have done or not done that would have helped them continue on this wonderful journey with Christ.  Sometimes, I realize that they were only playing a part to please me or parents or teachers.  Sometimes I wonder if they have experienced some pain in this journey of life which was too much to handle and they now blame God.  Either way, seeing the hidden struggle burdens me and often I'm not sure how to approach this.  It should probably not be this way, but I blame myself.  I know, we each make the choices of the roads we will take.  However, there is a part of me that thinks I should know the right thing to say each time to someone or I should have the vision to see the approaching storms in another person's  life.  Of course, this is foolishness and not productive.  It draws me to look back with regret and focus on the past rather than living in the moment and reaching out to those in my life at this moment.  But most of us who have tried to disciple someone understand these free-flowing thoughts I am having.

A few weeks ago, I preached a sermon which has helped me find peace and be able to keep going on Facebook without having regrets, doubts or frustration.  In Acts 20:32, Paul talks to the Ephesians church and says to them:  "Now I commit you to God and to the word of His face, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all who are sanctified."  There comes a time when we must commit the wanderer to God's grace and allow God to move in his/her life as only God can.  I always come back to the parable of the Loving Father Jesus told in Luke 15.  The Father had to wait until the prodigal son came to his senses and came home.  But when the prodigal came home, the Father was waiting and watching for him.  He ran out to his son and "redeemed" his son and celebrated.  There are some we must commit to the Lord and wait on them to come to their senses.  But when they come home, we should celebrate.  Until that time, we passionately pray for them and attempt to love them with the same love the Father lavished on us.

So today, if you are thinking about giving up on someone because they don't seem to care anymore, may this Sip refresh your soul to continue loving them.  Maybe you have a rebellious teen in your home.  Maybe your spouse just has more important things to do than worship the Lord.  Or maybe you have a close friend who has walked away for his faith.  Be refreshed and commit them to God's grace.

Maybe, today you are that prodigal.  You have wandered away from the Lord and into your own place.  Please know that the Loving Father waits patiently on you to turn back to Him and come home.  Be assured, there are many who are praying for you and looking forward to the day your faith comes alive again.  I may even be one of those.  May this Sip give you the strength you need to take those first steps home.  Daddy is waiting!

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