Monday, March 5, 2012

And the Winner Is...

When I was in high school, computer programming consisted of punch cards because no school could afford a computer or had a room big enough to hold one.  High tech for that day was a typewriter with the erasable material on a spool.  When the first personal computer came out, those on the cutting edge told us it would save us time.  Cell phones are supposed to save us time, but now we seem more accessible than ever.  People today rarely can live without cell phones, but that instant access makes us feel unimportant things are important.  E-mail was supposed to save us time, but now our in-boxes are filled with useless forwards and Trojan horses carrying viruses to destroy our computer.  For every minute my computer saves me, it seems to add three for the upkeep and maintenance of that computer.  

This technology revolution has really altered church worship services today.  Most churches are now depended on technology to project words to songs, notes to the sermon, even the Scripture passages because people don't bring their Bibles.  Of course, some of you in the digital revolution have several translation on your smart phone or Ipad.  Think about what would happen in your church on Sunday morning if the copier would not work, the projection was not available and you were unable to print sermon notes of Sunday School lessons?   And the winner is...?  Would technology win or would the Holy Spirit win?  I believe the answer to that lies in whom we trust.  If we have become so addicted to technology that we have to put on a "show" each Sunday or the people won't come, then we are already trusting the wrong God.  What if the band were unable to perform and all we had to praise God with were our voices?  What is there were no overhead songs or no hymnals and we could only praise God with the songs we know by heart?  What if we could only read the Bible we actually brought with us.  What is all the wonderful bells and whistles of technology were unavailable to us this Sunday?  Would technology or the Holy Spirit win?

I bring up this point because that is sort of what happened at Hillcrest this past week.  Most folks who came to church probably had no idea what had happened because we have leadership who are not dependent on technology, but are able to minister with no technology.  Technology is a fine tool, but too often we have allowed technology to make lazy disciples.  We are unable to deal with the depth of Scripture because we need to have a great show.  We need the words to every song and every Scripture.  We want to sit in our pew and be entertained (Although we would never admit that) or we will be bored or stay at home.  When I first got to church this morning, I was literally running around trying to get my technology to work.  My sons were in a room next door laughing and playing while I was stressing, which added to my stress.  After I got upset at them for not realizing my dire situation, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said "Stop it!"  It was time to for me to give up on technology and get in step with the Holy Spirit.  My Sunday School lesson was "limited' in my mind, but my students heard about being missionaries.  The worship service was a time of seeing God move in people's lives because they came to worship the Lord, not technology.

One of the bane's of technology has been that we now are unable and unwilling to interact and have strong interpersonal connections.  This is sad but true.  Many who are under the age of 30 have very limited social interaction and are unable to express feelings, faith or needs in a healthy way.  This past Saturday, our youth put together lunches and then went to the San Pablo Dam Road to pass those meals and water to the homeless on the street.  They passed out over 20 meals with a touch of love from Jesus.  This is what Jesus did.  He didn't hide behind technology, but was always out getting "dirty" by hanging out with people.  Once again, the Church today faces a huge battle.  And the winner is...?  Do we visit our neighbors, know our neighbors and proactively spend time with people.  Do we welcome guests who come to our church?  Do we visit members of our church we haven't seen in a while?  Who is the winner in your life?


Jesus said in Matthew 25. "That which you have done to the least of these brothers of mine, you have done it unto Me".  When we forgo technology and share a touch, we actually touch Jesus.  Get out today and touch someone in the name of Jesus.  Facebook, Angry Birds and e-mail will still be there when you get back.  Who will the winner be in your life?

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