Several weeks ago we had a new senior begin to attend our services. The story of Janet is quite remarkable. Janet has been living in Florida but decided to move to California, even though she would leave all of her close friends and her church. The reason: Her sister (who lives in this area) is the executor of her estate/power of attorney. With her advancing age and some health concerns, she didn't want her sister to try to do the caring for her from across the country. So she pulled up stakes, found found senior housing here and move across the country even though the only person she knows in this area is her sister. When she arrived, she went on-line to google a Southern Baptist Church in the area, which is how she ended up at Hillcrest on that Sunday. The love she felt in the Women of Faith Sunday School class brought her back each Sunday and she is beginning to make a home her. Now for the most remarkable aspect of her journey: She is 83 years old. When I found out her age and the life-changing decision she made, a was impressed by her courage and honored that God would bring this wonderful woman into our lives. Moving across the country is difficult enough, but is compounded by moving to a strange place with no friends. However, adding in her age to this equation is remarkable because I plan to be set in my ways when I reach that age. Not only that, but think about the fact that she has embraced technology enough to learn to google, find directions and make purchases. I don't know if I want to try many new technologies when I am in my 80's. Yesterday, our church distributed flyers to around 900 homes on the hill on which our church sits. We had to do some serious walking to get to many of the homes. Before church, Janet pulled me aside to tell me that she didn't think she was going to be able to go with us to distribute flyers. I was amazed that she would even consider such a task, but this woman is quite remarkable. She has embraced this change in her life in such a wonderful and healthy way. She has made a move with such a positive attitude.
In the Bible, we see people who come to crossroads in their lives and how they handle those crossroads. Some don't do very well, like the rich, young ruler or Demas or Festus when he hears Paul's testimony. Then there are others who embrace that crossroad and make a move. Examples of this could be Matthew when he follows Jesus, Zaccheus when he is confronted by Jesus, the Samaritan woman at the well when she encounters Jesus or Saul on the road to Damascus.
Perhaps the greatest example of these two choices when called upon to make a move is the cross. As Jesus hangs on the cross, the two criminals dying with Him are confronted by the Messiah. One is selfish and still focused on getting his own way, even in death. He denigrates and rails on Jesus rather than turning to the Messiah for sweet relief in the life to come. The other in humility recognizes who Jesus is and turns to Jesus for salvation. Both experience the same Jesus. Both have the same opportunity to make a move. But only one makes the right move and one day, we will meet him in Heaven (If we have made the same move he made).
Are you willing to make a move? You probably aren't being led across the country, but probably just next door. Maybe to a stranger in the store. Maybe towards a family member who you try to avoid. Maybe to a place of service in your church or community. Too many of us get complacent and comfortable right where we are. We want to meet God on our terms, not His terms. So we twist who God is to meet our life setting. That way, we won't need to repent, change or move. We can keep God in a comfortable place rather than being pushed and stretched or having to repent or change our life setting. If we don't make the move, we miss the blessings God has in store for us. We also miss the opportunity to be a testimony to others. Just think about the impact Janet has on our congregation when we become afraid to risk or change. Are you willing to make a move? It's definitely not easy and others will not understand and may not support, but if God is leading, don't hesitate to make that move!!

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