On Sunday, February 2nd, millions of Americans tuned in to view Super Bowl XLVIII, which was supposed to be a football game between the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks. It turned out to be not much of a game, but a total domination by the Seahawks. From the first snap of the game, but Broncos looked overmatched, inept and ready to quit. Those who were hoping for a close game were greatly disappointed. By the time Percy Harvin ran the second half kick-off for a touchdown, the only undecided was how bad the blowout would end up being. Unless you are a Seattle fan, the Super Bowl game itself was a waste of an afternoon or evening (Depending on where you live). It was like many other Super Bowls, a snooze fest. Two weeks of hype simply added to the disappointment.
Contrast that with what happened of Sunday morning at Hillcrest Baptist Church. Millions were not tuned in and only 90 people were actually in attendance. There were no sponsors willing to pay millions of dollars for a 30 second add. There was not two weeks of media blitz leading up to it. There was no a four hour pre-game telecast on national television. Most people will never even know what happened on Sunday morning at 3400 Hillcrest Road in Richmond, California. Yet, I submit that what happened on Sunday morning at Hillcrest was more super than anything that happened at MetLife Stadium in the afternoon.

What was the super event? Three young ladies publicly professed their faith by following Jesus into the waters of baptism. We dunked them as a witness that they died to the old self and were now living for Jesus. The act of baptizing didn't save them. That happened the day they professed their faith in Christ. The act of baptism was their way of obeying Jesus, testifying to others and celebrating that eternal life. Three young ladies in front of less than one hundred friends and family members. How could that be more important than something our culture has been hyping for two weeks? Simply this: These three ladies did something that is eternally significant. The Seahawks that will only last until the next season begins. As a matter of fact, in the postgame interview, the coach of the Seahawks was asked if they could repeat their Super Bowl victory next year. However, the Bible reminds us in Luke 15 that the angels party and Heaven parties whenever someone who is lost is found. Not only did Heaven party, but our church partied afterwards. These young ladies now have the rest of their lives on earth to impact eternity but witnessing and testifying about Jesus. The ripples of the waters of eternity will be impacted by the events of Sunday at HBC. Aren't you glad you were there?

I watched the Super Bowl and left wondering why I had wasted three hours of my time watching the game. I enjoyed being with my family, but it seemed like a fruitless use of my time. I watched the baptism and left church jazzed that I had seem something marvelous. I still smile when I think about the testimony of these girls when they confessed Jesus as their Savior and Lord. That smile cracks even bigger when I think back on their faces as they came up from the water.

So which one of these events really was super? Even if the Broncos had won or the game had gone down to the last play, a football game will never compare with a Heavenly celebration. So don't get hyped that a football game has been played, but that your name is written in the Book of Life. Now that really is super!
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