Friday, December 31, 2010

Yet Will I Hope In Him

In almost twelve hours, 2010 will come to and end and we will usher in a new year.  As we prepare to leave this year, it would behoove us to reflect on the past year and the challenge for the year.  The challenge was "Yet will I hope in Him" taken from Job 13:15.  The challenge was for us to emulate Job when difficulties and struggles came our way during the year.  Rather than giving in to self-pity or frustration or anger or "fix it" mode, we were to put our hope in the Lord.  Not the kind of hope which says, "I hope it all works out", but the kind of hope that says, "God is still in control and I will trust Him even when circumstances turn upside down."

Look back on 2010.  Take a moment to mentally list those circumstances, struggles, issues, relationship, etc that caused you stress, anxiety and/or fear. 

Now that you have listed those, think through your response to each of them.  What was your first response?  That initial response usually is not the response we should have.  It may take a few seconds or a few months to realize our response has not been that of Job or a faithful Christ-follower.  What would need to change in your mindset for you to have Christ as your first response?  You see, our minds guide our emotions.  What we believe about a situation dictates how we will feel about a situation.  If we believe our line in the store should move just as fast as the other lines, when our line moves slower, we feel impatient and treated unfairly.  That is why being in God's Word every day is so important:  It prepares us to change our mindset and think God's thoughts (Which, I have found, always go opposite of what I think is fair and I deserve).

Now, think about how God has been gracious and generous to you in the past year.  He gave us so many unexpected joys and blessings which we didn't ask for and certainly didn't deserve.  He has been patient with us when we were impatient with Him and with others.  He has provided for us in so many unseen and unappreciated ways.  Now would you turn that list into prayers of thanksgiving?  Praise the God who watched over Job and was proud of Job's response even when Job's friends and wife told him to give it up.  That same loving God is watching over you and proud of the way you are trusting Him. 

May this Sip from the Well refresh you as you remember the goodness of God!

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