Monday, March 21, 2011

Do you know?

Please take a moment to read I John 5:13

This one verse gives us the main purpose of God giving us the Bible - He wants us to know the way of salvation.  John wrote to the church in this passage to remind them that even though they faced overwhelming obstacles, they had eternal life.  He didn't want them to be anxious, worried or doubting.  He wanted them to KNOW they would be in Heaven.

God is not playing a game of hide and seek with us.  He created us and He created a way for us to experience Heaven.  He sent Jesus to die on the cross in place of our sins and then raised Him from the dead to conquer sin, death, Satan and Hell.  Once and for all, our path to Heaven is clear.  It is through making that commitment to Christ and allowing Him to have control of our lives.  Those of you who were at church on Sunday morning saw three people take that step of faith.  They received the gift of eternal life and we will see them again in Heaven when this life is over.  They simply believed what Jesus said and received His gift.

However, our enemy wants to confuse our minds.  You see, the mind directs the feelings.  There is a split second between when an event occurs and we feel something.  In that split second, the mind tells the body what to feel.  For instance, when you are driving down the road and someone cuts in front of you, your first thought directs your emotions.  If you think, "This guy is an idiot and trying to cut me off", your emotions will respond to that thought.  If you think, "This guy must be in trouble, maybe I should pray for him", your emotions will respond to that thought.

Romans 12:1-2 tells us to let our minds be transformed, then we will know God's will.  Everything flows from the mind.  So the question must be asked:  What am I putting in my mind?  Is it the music of the world?  Is in the web sites of the world?  Is it the gossip of our co-workers?  Is it the latest popular TV show?  Am I memorizing any Scripture?  Do I ever listen to praise songs?  Do I have deep conversations with other followers of Christ?  The old saying "Garbage in, garbage out" really is true.  Will you take this time season of Lent as a time to put the good stuff in your mind so you can know you have eternal life?  There are too many American Christians who can name the final contestants on "American Idol" but cannot name the books of the New Testament.  They have seen every "Harry Potter" movie, but have never read the entire Bible.  They can sing along with every song on the radio, but have never memorized a chapter from the Bible which would help them with life.  They faithfully watch NFL games each weekend, but are too tired to spend time alone with God is His Word each day.  Please know, this is not a rant, just an observation.  Is it any wonder the Church in America lacks power and faith.  Our minds are filled with the trivial pursuits of this life instead of the eternal truths that come from God!

May this Sip from the Well help in transforming your mind!

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