Monday, April 16, 2012

Hold On to what Matters Most

One hundred years ago the unsinkable luxury liner, the Titanic, sunk after hitting an iceberg.  The Titanic was considered one of the greatest marvels of its time, her builders embracing the notoriety of building such a fantastic ocean liner.  However, in the North Atlantic Ocean, it took only two and a half hours for this modern marvel to sink to the bottom of the ocean taking with it 1,514 lives.  This was a tragedy on unbelievable proportion for those living in that day and time.  The newspapers throughout the world carried the headlines of the downfall of the mighty Titanic.  Back in the Fall, my Mom and I went to see an exhibit in Greensboro, North Carolina when I was visiting.  We were able to see artifacts from the ship and attempt to take in the enormity of that vessel.  I was amazed to see the detail that went into this ship, especially the first class cabins.  With the one hundred anniversary of the sinking, there has been much on TV and in the news again about the Titanic.  Many have spoken of the pride of the builders leading to its downfall or the foolishness of the captain to not slow down in such treacherous waters.  There are lessons to be learned from this disaster.

However, the image that has stayed with me the longest actually comes from the the blockbuster movie which was released in 1997.  Like many of you, I wanted to see this critically acclaimed movie, especially when the ship wrecks and sinks.  The plot with the two lead characters was a little boring, trite and predictable, but there was one story which was told in brilliant fashion but only lasted a few seconds.  This was the image that has stayed with me concerning the Titanic, which has deeply impacted me.  If you weren't paying attention, you may have missed this scene.  As the ship is flooding and beginning to sink, there are scenes of people running and screaming, trying to find safety.  As the water rushes from one state room to the other, there is the stunning scene of an older husband and wife holding one another and laying down on the bed as they face certain death together.  There is no panic, no screaming, just a look of love and sadness as this couple will perish together(The picture is below).  They have chosen to hold on to what matters the most - Each other.  This was the most powerful and gripping love story of that entire film.  A loving embrace by two who have walked through life together and will face the end of their journey together.  True love is not about fulfilling a fleeting, momentary physical encounter charged by lust.  It is the dedication of two people who are journeying through life together, who have chosen to hold on to each other even though they know the failings and flaws of each other.  This is my deepest desire for my marriage:  That Leah and I would have such a devoted love to each other that the trials of life would allow us the opportunity to hold each other tighter and lean on one another rather than blaming, fighting or leaving the other.  Now that is a love story which Hollywood really has trouble comprehending.

Jesus tells a parable in Matthew 13:44-46 which reminds us to hold on to what is valuable.  He says, "Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for find pearls.  When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it."  Jesus reminds us that following Him is the greatest pearl of all.  In His every so powerful style, He reminds us to give up everything and hold tight to Him.  We cannot hold on to the world and Jesus at the same time.  We can only grasp one of them.  Too many in the church today are holding on to things like possessions, a home, a relationship, a reputation, a web site, an addiction.  Yet these things don't really matter.  Jesus is what matters.  Resurrection Sunday reminded us that only Jesus has the power to bring life to that which is dead.

So maybe you are clinging to something or someone or some place which isn't eternally significant.  It could be a sin or it could even be a gift from God that we just cannot release.  I pray that you will be able to release that object, even if it means a "death" in our lives.  Then, grab a hold a Jesus and embrace Him because He is waiting to embrace you.  Just like the loving Father was waiting and looking each day for His Prodigal Son to come home, Jesus is waiting for us to come to our senses and come home.  Then, like that loving Father, He will run to us and embrace us.  Make sure you are holding on to what matters!

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