Monday, August 12, 2013

Trust or Panic

In II Kings 5, we see the account of Naaman the leper and his healing.  It wasn't an easy healing because it brought pressure on Israel.  You see, Naaman was the general of the armies of Aram, which was an enemy of Israel.  So when Naaman comes to Israel with a note from the king of Aram asking that Naaman be healed, the King of Israel panics.  He believes this is an attempt by Aram to start a war with Israel.  He correctly states, "Am I God?".  His reaction to this opportunity is to freak out and panic.  Contrast his response with that of Elisha.  Elisha knows that this is an opportunity from God.  So even though the King doesn't trust God, Elisha does.  Two different responses to the same situation:  One is a reaction of faith in God, the other a reaction to faith in self.  One sees this as an opportunity for God to reveal Himself, the other sees this as an opportunity to lose what he values the most.  One is a reaction of trust, the other a reaction of fear.


God will bring these same types of situations to bear upon our lives.  He loves us so much that He will be us in traumatic situations.  These circumstances are beyond our control and are given to test our faith.  Just like metal is purified by heat, our faith will be purified by trials.  So do not be surprised by what is happening in your life right now.  These things have happened, not because God has abandoned you, but God wants you to have an Elisha response.  He wants us to view this particular situation as a time for God to shine.  This is an opportunity for family and friends to see that God really is God.  BUT for that to happen, we must approach it with Godfidence (This is confidence in God).  Godfidence allows us to remain calm in the most dire of circumstances.  Godfindence gives us strength to minister to others when our circumstances are unsettled.  Godfidence allows us to thank God before He has cleared up the situation.  Godfidence allows us to turn to God, rather than a beer, a friend or a bad temper.  

This passage was my morning quiet time today and just "happened" to be the passage I studied as I work through the book of II Kings.  I have some circumstances in my own life which require more Godfidence on my part.  But it also brought to mind where we are at as Hillcrest Baptist Church.  Yesterday, we voted to repair our roof before the rainy season and the damage that may happen because of our aging roof.  We voted to invest $16,400 even though we really don't have that much money.  We are stepping out in faith that God will provide.  This is a big step for our church because we really don't have any other fall back plan.  We are committed because we believe God wants us to trust Him in this.  We are barely getting by financially as it is and now we are adding to the amount we need to receive each month.  Which reaction will you have?  Will you react like the King of Israel and panic?  Will you see this large amount and be overwhelmed by it?  Will you criticize and complain?  OR will you react like Elisha and totally trust God?   Will you trust God with your own personal finances and begin to tithe?  Will you trust God and give an offering above your tithe?  Will you let people know that we are trusting God and we know He will provide.  Our faith is tested before the results ever come in...while we are still waiting and the outcome is in doubt.  Like Elijah, let's step out in faith and enjoy celebrating what God is going to do before He even does it.  For those of you who are not a part of Hillcrest Baptist Church, but would like to be a part of God's wonderful provision, you can give on-line securely by going to  

I'm looking forward to the church having a corporate testimony of what God has done in providing a new roof for His church.  I am also looking forward to the testimonies of what God has done in providing for you.  So step out with Godfidence and enjoy trusting God when the situation calls for panic!

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