Monday, September 10, 2012

See How They Serve

Yesterday, we had the opportunity to celebrate the senior adults of Hillcrest Baptist Church in conjunction with National Grandparents Day.  I was humbled as I looked at the wonderful group of seniors who stood at the front of the church.  They have an incredible wealth of wisdom and faith from which we can benefit.  It's a shame that our culture puts such a premium on youth and devalues those who are older.  Is it any wonder our country has lost her direction?  I looked at this incredible group with a deep measure of gratitude because they have set the pace for the rest of our church to follow.  They have not only served in the past, but are faithfully serving today.  Here are some of the leadership positions in which our over-65 group minister and serve:
-Sunday School Director
-Vacation Bible School Director
-Worship Committee
-Pre-School teachers
-Adult Sunday School teachers
-Women of Faith teacher
-Pre-School, children, youth and adult Sunday School substitutes
-Extended Session workers

Those are just the official positions.  They minister in so many other ways.  They are the first to know when someone is going through a struggle.  They pray.  They visit.  They call.  They write.  They take others out to eat.  They financially support the Lord's work.  They encourage discouraged servants.  They know the history of the church and all of the work that needs to be done on the facilities.  They are the first to step up when we have an opportunity to reach out.  They have signed up to work at the Stroll.  They came to our first McDonald's Kid's Craft Night.  The list goes on and on.

I would encourage you to read Joshua 23:1-16 as a follow up to Sunday's sermon.  Remember that this is at the end of Joshua's life, several years after the passage we looked at in the morning.  Joshua is an example of how we live out our faith.  We don't sit in a rocking chair or spend every day on the golf course.  We look for the next door of opportunity God will open for us.  We look for the next challenge.  We pass on our wisdom and encourage those younger than us to be faithful.  We set a legacy that will guide and direct future generations to serve the Lord.

The greatest testimony in a senior's life may actually be the attitude in which he/she faces the final years of his/her life.  People are still watching how we live out our faith.  Face an uncertain future with the strength of conviction and passion that Joshua faced his.  I am grateful for the wonderful testimony of the senior adults in my life who are still living strong for Jesus.  I pray that I will have that same courage and energy if I should reach those years.  May you be encouraged today to faithfully serve the Lord where you are right now.

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